Monday, August 13, 2012

Setting Attainable Goals

Good morning world! A quick post because I should be getting ready for work, not blogging, or reading articles on

This morning, I read the article "Find Your Motivation" and I have to say, it makes sense. Quickly take a read.

I think, all this time, I have been making goals the wrong way. Instead of saying that I want to eat healthier by cutting out fast food and going out to restaurants, and that I want to exercise more to become healthy and avoid things like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol which are all prevalent in my family, I've been saying that I want to lose weight. And giving it a specific number, or jeans size, or whatever. What I should have been doing is making small, attainable goals that will become good habits, and will help me become healthier so that I can live a better life.

Now, I really should think about what I need to make into my first goal. Maybe 2 small goals to take me through to the end of the month, and see how that goes. I have been losing a bit at a time, which is great, but I haven't been exercising at all, and while we have been eating at home, it still hasn't been the healthiest.

Anyways, I should get ready to go to work, but I really am lacking the motivation there. Lots to think about on the work front as well - more later on that.

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