Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lazy Saturday

I've had my first lazy Saturday in a while. It seemed like nothing got done. John and I looked at each other at 3 and went "holy crap, it's 3?" He worked until 1, which is unusual for a Saturday these days, and honestly, I'm not even sure what I did today.

I have a little boy's birthday to go to tomorrow - little Cam is turing 5! I met him when he was 18 months old, and I'm in total disbelief that he's going to be 5 tomorrow. But, since he's 5, I got him a really great present - a Tow Mater remote control car! So cool! I want to play with it! But, anyways, it's going to be a fun birthday!

And, we have something fun on the DL...I will let you in on it Monday night!

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